Corn is an amazingly productive crop; each planted seed produces more than 800 kernels. Few crops are as prolific as corn. At least 90 Missouri counties produce corn, with a total area of over 3 million acres dedicated to corn production. The annual on-farm value of Missouri’s corn crop is greater than $2.2 billion.

Corn is versatile as well as prolific. A kernel of dent corn, the most common corn type grown in the United States, is approximately 68 percent starch, 8 percent protein, 3 percent oil, 6 percent fiber and 15 percent water. Starch is an important source of energy in feed rations for hogs, chickens and cattle. It also is the most common bioenergy feedstock for ethanol. Cornstarch has numerous other industrial and food applications, including uses in adhesives, plastics, grits and sweeteners. Corn protein is an important constituent of ethanol production byproducts that are used in feed rations for cattle. Corn oil is an ingredient of hundreds of products, such as margarine and cooking and salad oils.

Grain sorghum is used like corn, but has adapted better than corn to drought. Recently, Missouri grain sorghum acreage has decreased to less than 100,000 acres.

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Farmer in field analyzing crops from drought.
Drought, flood and wind resources

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Mizzou corn and sorghum resources

University of Missouri programs, resources, worksheets and newsletters relating to corn and sorghum. 

Soybean, corn, wheat and sorghum
MU Variety Testing Program

Selection of varieties that best fit a farmer's production goals and challenges is an essential part of profitable grain crop production. We provide the reliable, unbiased, up-to-date information that makes that selection possible.

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Events and online courses

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January 16, 2024 - January 17, 2024

2024 Midwest Crops Conference
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January 19, 2024

Heritage Corn Workshop
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January 24, 2024

Heritage Corn Workshop


Crop progress and condition — U.S. Department of Agriculture

Statistics useful for Missouri agriculture.

Crop water use calculator

Use location, crop, planting date and other information to customize your water use calculation.

Delayed Planting and Replanting Insurance Evaluator (XLSX)

An evaluation tool designed for corn and soybean farmers with crop insurance who experience early-season production problems, such as flooding, poor germination or prevented planting.

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