
Water is often the most limiting factor in crop yields. Missouri farmers usually face several weeks each summer in which crop water demand is high but rainfall is low. If irrigation is available, farmers can generate consistent yields despite a lack of precipitation.

Irrigation costs are usually divided into variable and fixed expenses in crop budgets. How frequently a field needs to be irrigated varies by growing season. The amount of fuel or electricity required to run irrigation pumps is a variable cost. Energy and labor costs can be significant, but the greatest expense for farmers is the fixed cost of irrigation equipment.

Learn more about irrigation tools and considerations on this website.

Remote video URL
Watch Attaching gypsum block sensors to PVC pipe on YouTube.
Attaching gypsum block sensors to PVC pipe

Gypsum block soil moisture are easier to install and remove if they are glued to PVC pipe. This video explains how to attach WaterMark and Delmhorst brand sensors.

Remote video URL
Watch Installing gypsum block soil moisture sensors on YouTube.
Installing gypsum block soil moisture sensors

This video explains the proper method of installing gypsum block soil moisture sensors.

Remote video URL
Watch Reading and interpreting gypsum block soil moisture sensors on YouTube.
Gypsum block soil moisture sensors

This video explains how to read and interpret gypsum block soil moisture sensors.

Remote video URL
Watch Crop Water Use App- Introduction on YouTube.

Crop Water Use App

This video explains how the Crop Water Use app was developed. The program is designed to save farmers time with irrigation management.

Woodruff Irrigation Charts logo
Woodruff Irrigation Chart Tool

Dr. C.M. "Woody" Woodruff, emeritus professor with the Department of Agronomy at the University of Missouri, developed a chart method to apply "adequate, but not excessive, water" in the form of irrigation in the late 1960s. Irrigators in the central part of Missouri adopted the charting practice in the 1970's and continue to use it today.

Missouri irrigated farms map
Missouri irrigated farms (PDF)

View the breakdown of irrigated farms by county in Missouri.


2019 crop budgets for Southeast Missouri

2019 Southeast Missouri budgets for individual crops and irrigation.

A Summary of Missouri Water Laws

An overview of laws affecting the protection and use of Missouri's water resources, developed by the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Missouri Attorney General's office.

Crop Water Use app

A University of Missouri Extension online app designed to help farmers improve irrigation management.

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