The Master Gardener program provides in depth horticultural training to individuals throughout Missouri who then volunteer their time applying what they have learned to help others in their communities to learn about gardening and environmental education. Through activities such as extension hotlines or answer services, workshops, speaker’s bureaus, garden show booths and demonstration projects, Master Gardeners provide gardening information to thousands of Missourians each year.

To become trained as a Master Gardener, an individual must attend a 30 hour classroom Core Course training. Then the Master Gardener trainee is required to give 30 hours of volunteer service back to their community in approved University of Missouri Extension activities.

Barton County chapter

Plant sale

The chapter's annual plant sale is held in May. Plants are sold at reasonable prices and include perennials, bedding plants, bulbs, trees, natives and other seasonal plants.

Community projects

Master Gardeners in Barton County maintain the Demonstration Garden at the Lamar City Park and landscape around the Senior Citizen Center in Lamar. They select a Yard of the Month during spring and summer.

Become a Master Gardener

If you enjoy gardening, want to learn more about horticulture, and are willing to share with others what you know and learn, then you’re a prime candidate to become a Master Gardener. Contact the extension center at 417-682-3579 or

Master gardeners gardening

Get in-depth horticultural training and join the Master Gardeners in “helping others learn to grow.”

Missouri map with a dogwood flower overlaid on it

Missouri Master Gardeners, use this online system to report your volunteer hours.

garden journal on table with gloves

Put your plans, thoughts and results on paper to help ensure successful gardening.