Mid-America Trade Adjustment Assistance Center

Assisting U.S. manufacturers in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska

For U.S. manufacturers, import competition can range from a minor challenge to a serious threat. The Trade Adjustment Assistance for Firms (TAAF) program enables firms to proactively respond to competition.

How the program works

TAAF partners with manufacturers by offering technical assistance and cost sharing of up to $150,000 (50 percent company match) or $30,000 (25 percent company match) to implement strategic projects that are focused on improving a firm’s internal operations and competitive abilities.

Eligible firms are assisted in two ways:

  1. Mid-America Trade Adjustment Assistance Center (TAAC) personnel conduct a comprehensive company assessment and create a targeted business recovery plan to identify and prioritize improvement opportunities for increased profits, job creation and long-term financial stability.
  2. Eligible manufacturing firms then have five years to implement cost-shared improvement projects with consultants, engineers or other outside professional service providers engaged on behalf of the firm. Business recovery improvement funds can be implemented in areas such as manufacturing, engineering and production; marketing and sales; financial and general management; and information technology support systems.

Technical assistance and cost sharing of improvement projects enable a firm to make improvements to its competitive situation, faster and more aggressively than it could on its own.

TAAC is supported by the U.S. Economic Development Administration.

Mid-America TAAC results

  • Client sales revenues for 2022: $2.041 billion
  • Sales revenue growth since entering the TAAF program: $883.2 million, 13% increase (Fiscal year 2020 through 2022)
  • Firm employment for 2022: 5,467 employees
  • New manufacturing jobs created since entering the TAFF program: 230, 5% increase (Fiscal year 2020 through 2022)


  • “The Mid-America TAAC team has been tremendously helpful. It's a great program.” - Scott Livington, Prier Products, Inc., Grandview, MO
  • “My TAAC project manager was a phenomenal resource.” - Larry Hicks, Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Co., Webb City, MO
  • “My TAAC project manager has gone above and beyond so many times. I wish all of my consultants were as helpful.” - Margaret Fitzgerald, Milbank Manufacturing Company, Kansas City, MO

Find more testimonials and success stories on our About TAAC page.

Events and online courses

Missouri APEX Accelerator logo

January 10, 2024

Government Contracting 101
Missouri APEX Accelerator logo

February 7, 2024

Government Contracting 101


Challenges facing manufacturers and what to do about them

Weidert Group blog post about labor shortage, technologies, cybersecurity, global competition and attracting qualified leads.

Economic Development Administration

The Economic Development Administration (EDA) is a U.S. Department of Commerce program EDA's goal is to ensure that opportunities for economic development and entrepreneurism are available everywhere in the United States.

Federal grants

Find out what government grants are available via Grants.gov

4200 Little Blue Parkway
Suite 590
Independence, MO 64057