Agriculture and environment
Displaying 1 - 25 of 1401st Quarter report - The Missouri Feral Hog Elimination Partnership is comprised of over 15 federal and state agencies, and ag and conservation NGOs collaborating under the common goal of eliminating feral hogs from public and private la
Ag Connection is published monthly for Central Missouri Region producers and is supported by University of Missouri Extension, the Commercial Agriculture program, the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station and the MU College of Agricul
Multistate farm lease information designed to help landowners and land operators discuss and resolve issues, provided by the North Central Farm Management Extension Committee.
Farm leases and other agreements, forms and publications written by North Central Farm Management Extension Committee members.
Serves farmers with disabilities, providing practical education and on-the-farm assistance to promote agricultural and rural independence.
Use this web-based tool to generate a report describing the physical, demographic and environmental characteristics of a selected land parcel and its surroundings.
Get started with tools and maps exploring data related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Developed by the Center for Applied Research and Engagement Systems (CARES), University of Missouri Extension.
Advocates and provides information for U.S. soy farmers on policy and trade issues.
Livestock producers can stretch short supplies of hay this year by using a simple ammonia treatment on bales, says University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist Zac Erwin.
This month’s USDA update included Crop Production along with the monthly WASDE report. Overall, the outlook for historically tight supplies is expected to continue into the 2021/22 marketing year.
Baskett is used for research and education in wildlife management and behavior, forestry and resource measurement.
Located 11 miles east of the MU campus on 591 acres, it has the largest concentration of research plots in crops, oils and related disciplines in Missouri.
Lists prices per ton charged by a number of companies for feed such as corn gluten meal and dried distillers grain.
Through research and scholarly endeavors, CAFNR strives to discover and disseminate new knowledge, scientific information and innovations through formal and nonformal educational programs.
How can seed companies help farmers and ranchers shift their acres to forages most suitable to the changing climate?
Due to the contagious nature of COVID-19, take measures to reduce exposure. Limit who uses each piece of equipment.
Proper cleaning regimens lead to safe equipment. Follow these guidelines for cleaning equipment and surfaces on machinery and electronics.
Landscape maintenance is essential business. Follow these on-site and off-site safety guidelines to protect customers, coworkers and yourself.
Nurseries and garden centers are essential businesses. Follow these guidelines to protect customers, coworkers and yourself.
Find interactive worksheets, calculators and other tools here to help manage your crops.