Thousands of materials on agricultural risk management, marketing, financial management, and more.
Dairy animals
Displaying 1 - 25 of 83Biogas Production - University Resources - Agricultural Anaerobic Digesters: Design and Operation, Penn State
Use this web-based tool to generate a report describing the physical, demographic and environmental characteristics of a selected land parcel and its surroundings.
Biogas Production - Agency Resources - AgSTAR: Biogas Recovery in the Agriculture Sector, EPA
This spreadsheet evaluates costs and benefits of ammoniating low-quality roughages.
Manure Management - General Resources - The LPELC is a network made up of professionals from across the U.S. (and Canada) with an interest and expertise in some aspect of animal agriculture and environmental stewardship.
Adobe Connect presentation by Iowa State University
Building and Facilities - Compost Barns - A compost pack dairy barn provides a quality resting and loafing area for the lactating cows when properly designed and managed.
Dairy Budgets - Missouri Planning Budgets for 2019 - Conventional Dairy, 150-Cow Herd article about how to cool cows in times of heat stress.
Coping with summer weather: dairy management strategies to control heat stress from Kansas State University.
Milk Quality and Mastitis - Mastitis - Dairy Cattle Mastitis and Milking Management, Mastitis in dairy cattle can result in potential losses in milk production, milk income, and milk quality bonuses.
Biogas Production - University Resources - Dairy Environmental Systems Website
Milk Prices and Marketing - Risk Management - Risk Management Tools for Dairy Farmers: Dairy Futures Contracts, by John D. Anderson and Gregg Ibendahl, Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service
Labor, Taxes, and Records - Incentive Pay Programs, University of California
This manual is intended to help dairy producers with understanding the concepts, economics of reproduction, and synchronization programs that could be used on their operations.
Manure Management - Handling and Storage - Dairying and the Environment
A digester is a major capital investment and calls for a careful engineering and economic analysis of the particular situation. Learn about applications, carbon credits, installation challenges and more in this article.
Heat stress effects on milk production, estimates of the economic losses, implications of heat stress on reproductive management, from
Barn orientation, air exchange and cooling systems are used to reduce bovine heat stress in freestall barns, from Kansas State University.
Importance of fan selection in reducing heat stress in dairy herds, from Kansas State University.
Calculating forages on a cost per ton of dry matter allows price comparisons between differing bale sizes and moisture levels of forage.