A 36-page PDF from the Northeast Forest Resources Extension Council Series that addresses planning and conducting a timber harvest to minimize the disruptive effects of cutting and removing trees on a forest.
Tree and woodland health
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15Find out more about the Asian longhorned beetle on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service website.
Through research and scholarly endeavors, CAFNR strives to discover and disseminate new knowledge, scientific information and innovations through formal and nonformal educational programs.
Find out how far is too far to move firewood to avoid transporting invasive pests and diseases to new areas.
Emerald Ash Borer University is the collaborative effort of the USDA Forest Service, Michigan State University, Purdue University, and Ohio State University.
The Climate, Forests and Woodlands eXtension Community of Practice (CoP) focuses on keeping forests sustainable on private and public lands, and providing information to private owners of forested land and the extension professionals who
This video from Purdue University Extension describes how homeowners can use certain pesticide products for protecting ash trees against emerald ash borer.
Learn how to diagnose damage to black walnut trees in this technical report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.
Aims to protect and manage the fish, forest and wildlife resources of the state.
This Missouri Department of Conservation reference provides science-based guidance to help professional foresters, private land managers and forest landowners improve and sustain Missouri’s forests.
This 60-page PDF from the Missouri Department of Conservation lists recommended trees for Missouri landscapes. It also describes how to select, buy, transport, plant and care for trees.
Learn about oak decline in this leaflet from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service.
This video by Purdue University Extension demonstrates what homeowners can expect when a tree-care professional uses a trunk injection system to treat their trees for emerald ash borer.
The International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) website includes a list of certified arborists who have the knowledge to identify tree problems and perform tree work correctly.