Integrated pest management
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15Through research and scholarly endeavors, CAFNR strives to discover and disseminate new knowledge, scientific information and innovations through formal and nonformal educational programs.
The extreme 2019 rainfall events have created record, or near record, river levels across many locations in the state. This article discusses the impact on crops planted in fields that are now flooded or saturated.
During challenging seasons, it is very tough to decide whether or not to replant. Those fields require some extra attention and this article is meant to help with those field evaluations.
The Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) is a highly destructive plant pest of foreign origin. It was first found in the United States in a nursery in southern New Jersey in 1916.
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Learn the signs of the various stages of corn growth, of heightened concern during seasons of unusual precipitation.
Answers to the most common weed management questions asked during May of 2019, the wettest May on record ever.