Fields were scouted just west of Lamar, Mo. Wheat was in the tillering stage, with a few plants starting to move into the jointing stage. Right now, we are not seeing much weed pressure, however, some henbit was found. I did not find any aphids.

Fields were scouted west of Golden City, Mo. Wheat was in the second joint. Bird cherry oat aphids were observed, but only at about one aphid per foot of row. Some Septoria was observed on lower leaves. Temperatures in the mid 30s are expected the next few nights. Freeze injury to wheat in the joint stage does not occur unless the temperatures are in the mid 20s. For sprouting corn, temperatures between 28 and 32 degrees are damaging, but can kill the plant when they fall below 28 degrees.

Fields scouted east of Liberal, Mo. The wheat looks good overall and was in the second joint stage. Catchweed bedstraw, henbit, and chickweed were observed. Bird cherry oat aphids were observed at 0 to 5 aphids per foot of row, depending on the field. Some Septoria was observed on lower leaves. No corn was found emerged yet in any of the fields scouted. Numerous cases of alfalfa weevil have been observed in the area. No black cutworm moths were found in the traps in Lamar.

Fields were scouted east of Nashville, Mo. Corn emergence looks very good overall. In one field, a few plants were clipped. Be on the lookout for evidence of cutworms. The overall conditions of wheat fields was very good as well. All scouted fields were at full flag leaf emergence, and in one, the heads were emerging. Septoria or stagonospora leaf blotch was observed in some fields. Aphids were observed but at well below threshold level. Steady activity has been seen in the true armyworm traps in Lamar. Alfalfa weevil has been high in some fields in the area.

Fields were scouted east of Irwin, Mo. In the corn fields scouted, no black cutworm damage was observed, but continue to be on the lookout. Overall, the wheat fields scouted looked very good. Bird cherry oat aphids were observed but still at below threshold level.

Fields were scouted south of Liberal, Mo. Overall, the wheat fields scouted looked very good. Wheat was observed in the early to mid anthesis stage. Septoria and stagonospora continued to be observed this week at lower levels of the plant canopy. Bird cherry oat aphids were again observed this week but still below threshold level. Corn fields observed continue to be in good condition despite the saturated conditions.

Fields were scouted west of Lamar, Mo. Overall the condition of wheat fields scouted looked very good. All fields scouted were in the anthesis stage. One field showed heavy evidence of disease including Septoria and stagonospora. Some corn fields have not yet been planted. In most scouted today, the plants were about 6–8 inches tall and overall looked good with low weed and insect pressure, but were showing a yellowing or purpling of the leaves due to the excess moisture.

Fields were scouted near Golden City, Mo. Many fields were found to be open due to wet conditions and lack of planting opportunities. Many of the wheat fields seen today were found to be in the milk stage. Evidence of head scab was also observed in several of the fields scouted north of Golden City. In the corn fields, the stands overall looked very good.