Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program

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The Show-Me-Select® Replacement Heifer Program uses the latest research on health, nutrition, genetics and reproductive science to ensure Missouri counties continue to be national leaders in providing quality beef. The program focuses on Missouri’s farmers and is dependent upon active participation from regional extension livestock specialists and local veterinarians, each of which are critical components of the agricultural sector of this state.

This program is unique in that it is an educational program targeted at improving production efficiency through increased use of existing technology, coupled with the marketing component.

Program objectives

  • Improved heifer development programs through a Total Quality Management strategy
  • Increased marketing opportunities for and added value for Missouri-raised heifers
  • Creation of reliable sources of quality replacement heifers based on management, reproduction and genetics

Missouri Show-Me-Select farms enrolled, purchaser states and sale locations; select to view larger image.

Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifers, Inc. is a non-profit organization in cooperation with: University of Missouri Extension / College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (Division of Animal Sciences and Division of Applied Social Sciences) / MU College of Veterinary Medicine / Missouri Cattlemen's Association / Missouri Department of Agriculture

Events and online courses


A Steak in Genomics

A blog for stakeholders in beef production, genetics, and genomics -- by Jared Decker, associate professor in the University of Missouri's Division of Animal Sciences and MU Extension state beef genetics specialist

CAFNR - College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Through research and scholarly endeavors, CAFNR strives to discover and disseminate new knowledge, scientific information and innovations through formal and nonformal educational programs.

College of Veterinary Medicine

MU is the only Missouri institution to award the doctor of veterinary medicine degree (DVM). It boasts a health center and medical diagnostic lab, connecting research and instruction.

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