Livestock : article
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Four participants in the University of Missouri Division of Animal Sciences 2021 Leadership Academy took home $500 scholarships to MU’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The University of Missouri Extension 4-H State Meats Judging Contest drew 45 competing 4-H members from across the state last month.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The University of Missouri Extension 4-H State Meats Judging contest on Feb. 17 drew 48 competitors, said Don Nicholson, Missouri 4-H interim associate director.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – During drought, beef producers might find a best friend in their local veterinarian, says University of Missouri Extension veterinary toxicologist Tim Evans.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Despite suspending all face-to-face programming due to COVID-19, University of Missouri Extension recognizes the continued need to provide university research and knowledge to help farmers and consumers alike.
ST. ELIZABETH, Mo. – Despite 26 surgeries, 47-year-old Blaine Kemna farms every day.He remains an independent farmer and works with the Missouri AgrAbility Project and its partners.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Ways to replace toxic tall fescue pastures keep improving as renovations move across the Fescue Belt from Missouri to Georgia.Five grazing schools in five states in March will clarify a complex system, says Craig Roberts, University of Missouri Extension forage specialist.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Widespread drought conditions during the 2018 growing season in most of Missouri resulted in hay and forage shortages, says University of Missouri Extension agronomist Dhruba Dhakal.Dhakal offers some alternative/emergency forage options to feed beef cattle during fall, winter and…
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Fair season and heat put three key groups at risk of heat stroke: livestock, their owners, and spectators.
“Calf processing prior to sale that reduces work for the buyer after sale potentially makes that calf more valuable at sale time,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist. The added value can lead to improved profitability of the cattle operation. Below, Davis provides…
ST. JAMES, Mo. – Cattle producers are invited to attend a field day at the Mingo Farm in St. James to learn how to use natural shade to improve their beef operation.
“Vitamins and minerals are a small portion of the diet, but important for normal cattle body function which results in optimum health, growth, and reproduction,” says Patrick Davis MU Extension Regional Livestock Field Specialist. Davis will discuss strategies to promote optimum cattle mineral and…
MACOMB, Mo. – Happy, healthy cows give more milk.Southwestern Missouri dairy farmers find that cows housed in compost bedded pack barns are healthy, happy and produce more milk, says University of Missouri Extension dairy specialist Ted Probert.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Cool-season grasses such as fescue that dominate pasture grass in Missouri need warm weather to grow.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Prolonged heat stress this year may bring a smaller calf crop next year. Herd owners are seeing cows known to be pregnant coming back into heat to be rebred.
MOUNTAIN GROVE, Mo. – Five to 10 percent of dairy farms close each year, in part because of a lack of skilled laborers, says University of Missouri Extension dairy specialist Ted Probert.
EDITORS: June is Dairy Month. University of Missouri Extension offers a variety of news and feature stories on dairy operations in Missouri. These articles are free for you to use in any Dairy Month promotions or agriculture-related sections that you may have planned.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – In dry weather with short pastures, Missouri cow-herd owners face tough culling decisions. One way to match cows’ needs to available grass is to sell cows.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Extension agronomist talk was calm on the weekly teleconference. Few problems discussed on bugs, weeds, fungus or other pests. Then the weather hit the fan. Reports from across Missouri told of farmers’ concerns about lack of rain.
STOCKTON, Mo. – “Early wean calves to reduce cow herd nutrient needs to match drought-limited feed resources,” says Patrick Davis, University of Missouri Extension livestock field specialist. In addition, early weaning can improve calf performance because calves are put on a more nutritious diet…
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Beef-cow herd owners will learn new ways to raise better calves at three University of Missouri meetings in March. The sessions lead producers from proven breeding to new uses of DNA.MU Extension animal scientists David Patterson and Jared Decker will lead the ReproGene Meetings.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – U.S. pork producers should be aware of an emerging swine disease, says University of Missouri Extension veterinarian Corinne Bromfield.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension agricultural engineering specialist Teng Lim advises poultry and livestock producers to be aware of an approaching deadline that could affect their operations.
COLUMBIA. Mo. – Shortage of cattle forage forces some Ozark herd owners to chop trees to feed leaves. That method was used in big droughts of the 1930s and 1950s.