Many wonder what is a community garden? A community garden means many things to many people. Visit our site to learn more.
Organizational development : publication
Reviewed by Sarah Hultine MassengaleCommunity Economic DevelopmentJohanna Reed Adams, Charles M. St. Clair and William E. RobertsonDepartment of Community Development
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.
Editor’s noteOn 1/22/15, a web address was updated on this page and in the PDF.Curt EmanuelExtension Educator, Purdue University Cooperative Extension ServiceExtension Disaster Education Network Radiological Education Team Member
Gerald GabrielDepartment of Community DevelopmentResource people can and should play a vital role in changing communities. City governments, community institutions, organizations and groups are often confronted with issues that make special knowledge and assistance a must in forming intelligent…