Piercing-sucking pests such as aphids, scales and mites are commonly found on home garden and landscape plants. Learn how to identify and control them in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Trees and shrubs : publication
Richard HousemanState entomology extension specialistBruce BarrettState entomology extension specialist
Reviewed by David TrinkleinHorticulture State Extension SpecialistDivision of Plant Sciences & Technology
Editor's noteThe following abstract describes a publication that is intended for distribution as a downloadable PDF.
Richard M. HousemanUrban Entomology SpecialistDivision of Plant Sciences
Revised by Bruce A. BarrettDivision of Plant Sciences
Chapter 7 of the Missouri Master Gardener Core Manual
Christopher J. Starbuck
Associate Professor Emeritus
Division of Plant Sciences
The main reason for fertilizing shade trees is to maintain vigor so that plants will be able to resist environmental stresses & pests. Visit our site.
Hank Stelzer
Forestry State Specialist
School of Natural Resources
Flowering and Fruit Characteristics of Black Walnuts: A Tool for Identifying and Selecting Cultivars
Michele R. Warmund and Mark V. Coggeshall
Division of Plant Sciences
Grafting is the act of joining two plants together and is a way to change a large tree from an old to a new variety. Visit our site to learn more.
Reviewed by David TrinkleinHorticulture Extension State SpecialistDepartment of Plant Sciences & Technology
Editor's noteThe following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.William ReidNut Crops SpecialistKansas State UniversityMark CoggeshallTree Improvement SpecialistCenter for Agroforestry
Editor's noteThis page currently contains only the introductory section of this guide. For the entire text, please download the PDF.Ron Revord, Michael Gold, Nicholas Meier, Bryan Webber, Ken Hunt and Michele Warmund
Michele R. WarmundFruit State SpecialistDivision of Plant Sciences
Christopher J. StarbuckDepartment of Horticulture
Chris Starbuck and Michele WarmundDivision of Plant Sciences
Bruce A. BarrettEntomology State SpecialistDivision of Plant Sciences
Once borers have infested a tree, they can be difficult to control. Visit our website to learn more about Insect Borers of Fruit Trees.
Christopher J. StarbuckDivision of Plant Sciences
Reviewed by Christopher J. StarbuckDivision of Plant SciencesLeaf scorch is a noninfectious condition caused by an unfavorable environment. There is no chemical control for leaf scorch, so the most effective defense is good management.
Editor’s note
Chain saws are relatively common and may seem simple to operate. But felling trees and clearing brush with a chain saw are operations that require training and proper safety precautions.
Bruce A. BarrettDepartment of Entomology