Beef cattle production : publication
Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when producing alfalfa baleage as a forage crop on Missouri farms.
Use this enterprise budget to plan how to produce, finance and market alfalfa sold as small hay bales in Missouri. It links to the Missouri Forage Budget Generator spreadsheet.
Backgrounding is the growing of steers & heifers from weaning until they enter the feedlot. Visit our site to learn more about backgrouding calves.
A good health program is critical to successful calf backgrounding. Visit our website today to learn more about backgrounding calves.
David R. Jones and William C. Stringer
Food Science and Nutrition Department
This glossary lists terms and phrases beef producers should be familiar with.
Jordan ThomasAssistant Professor, Animal Sciences
Use this enterprise budget to plan how to finance, establish and graze cool-season pastures on Missouri farms. It links to the Missouri Forage Budget Generator spreadsheet.
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and revenues when growing corn silage on Missouri farms.
Beef cow owners should evaluate the performance of their animals at least once a year — perhaps more often. The most convenient time for evaluating is when the calves are weaned. For spring-calving cows, this is in the fall before supplemental feed is offered.
To see the greatest return on investing in genomic-enhanced EPDs, cattle breeders must decrease the average age of sires and dams. Learn how to shorten the generational invterval to speed up genetic progress in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Use this budget to plan how to produce, finance, graze and market fescue on Missouri farms. It links to the Missouri Forage Budget Generator spreadsheet.
Selecting cattle that can cope with heat stress is important for sustainable beef production. Learn about tools for breeding cattle adapted to heat stress and see a photographic guide to a hair-shedding scoring system in this MU Extension guide.
A beef animal selected for slaughter should be healthy and in thrifty condition. Visit our site to learn about home slaughtering and processing of beef.
Use this 2023 budget to estimate costs and returns for a beef cow-calf operation (50-cow herd and purchased replacements) in southern Missouri for fall and spring calving.
Use this enterprise budget to plan costs and returns for establishing and managing native warm-season grass forages for hay and pasture on Missouri farms.
Jared DeckerAssociate Professor, Animal Sciences
The systems concept of beef production incorporates an awareness that there is more to consider in a beef cattle enterprise than simply the level of production. What is most important is the overall efficiency of the enterprise.