Pesticide safety : publication
Learn terms used in EPA’s Worker Protection Standard, and read about duties the standard outlines for agricultural employers, workers and pesticide handlers.
Bill Casady and Willard DownsDepartment of Agricultural EngineeringFred FishelDepartment of Agronomy
Fred FishelDepartment of Agronomy
Learn how to use the USDA Web Soil Survey interactive map to determine your field's hydrologic soil group for the soil series on which you plan to apply an Enlist herbicide.
Editor's note
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Iowa State University
Editor's note
Reviewed by Mary KroeningDivision of Plant Sciences
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The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.
Fred FishelDepartment of Agronomy
David E. BakerDepartment of Agricultural Engineering
Missouri commercial pesticide applicators, order your pesticide applicator training manuals here to enhance your training and study for certification exams. Stay up-to-date on environmentally sound uses of pesticides.
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Mahlon Fairchild
Integrated Pest Management
Paul Andre
Missouri Department of Agriculture
Learn about federal and Missouri pesticide rules, and see the steps to take to become a pesticide applicator and keep good records of when you use pesticides.
Pesticide poisoning is a commonly under-diagnosed illness. Visit our website to learn about pesticide poisoning symptoms and first aid.
Learn guidelines to ensure the safe and environmentally friendly storage of pesticides.
Fred FishelDepartment of AgronomyOnce a pesticide is introduced into the environment, whether through an application, a disposal or a spill, it is influenced by many processes. These processes determine a pesticide's persistence and movement, if any, and its ultimate fate.
James H. JarmanIntegrated Pest ManagementDarryl P. SandersDepartment of EntomologyC. Dean MartinMissouri Department of Natural Resources
Editor's noteTo be used in conjunction with Missouri Core Manual M87, Private Pesticide Applicator Reference ManualFred FishelIntegrated Pest Management
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Flernoy Jones and Robert D. Hall
Department of Entomology
Fred Unnewehr and F.T. Satalowich
Missouri State Department of Health
This publication examines five areas of pesticide management practices on your farmstead:
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Marie SteinwachsOffice of Waste ManagementPesticides are chemicals designed to kill or repel living things that are considered by humans to be pests. Pesticides include insecticides, herbicides, rodenticides, fungicides, wood preservatives, molluscicides and disinfectants.
Fred FishelDepartment of Agronomy
Fred FishelDepartment of AgronomyPaul AndreMissouri Department of Agriculture