Goats : article
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – There’s a new guard dog in town. And it’s more likely to bray than bark.A growing number of sheep and goat farmers are using donkeys to keep predators at bay, says Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, small-ruminant specialist at Lincoln University Cooperative Extension in Jefferson…
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. – Have you ever considered diversifying production on the farm?Producing beef cattle and meat goats on the same farm may improve your financials, says University of Missouri Extension agricultural business specialist Jennifer Lutes.
KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Goat producer John Kirchhoff of Moberly likened goats to a covey of scattering quail at the Missouri Livestock Symposium, Dec. 7-8 in Kirksville. University of Missouri Extension and the Missouri Livestock Symposium Committee organize the annual event.
KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Goats are natural brush control agents, according to Charlotte Clifford-Rathert, assistant professor and state extension small ruminant specialist with Lincoln University Cooperative Extension and Research.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. – Goats are curious animals and their gregarious social skills and healthy appetites know no boundaries, or fences.
OSCEOLA, Mo. – Many animals die from extreme heat and humidity each year.“Extreme heat is stressful to livestock, including sheep and goats,” said David Brown, University of Missouri small ruminant specialist. “It is very dangerous if the onset of heat is sudden and animals do not have ample time…
OSCEOLA, Mo. – Producers of small ruminants have had to deal with drought in nearly every part of Missouri this year trying to keep their animals healthy.
OSCEOLA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will hold a free monthly webinar series for sheep and goat producers starting Sept. 26.The series will be hosted by David Brown, MU Extension small ruminant specialist, alongside other experts in small ruminant production.
The drought in Missouri has taken a toll on cool-season grasses, diminishing forage for cattle and other livestock.
OSCEOLA, Mo. – Fall is the natural mating season for sheep and goats, and University of Missouri Extension has a new publication for producers on Breeding Season Considerations for Sheep and Goats.
BLUE SPRINGS, Mo. - High commodity prices provide an opportunity for landowners to increase their income by converting pasture to crop production. This has created urgency among cattlemen to secure grazing land for their cattle and other livestock, said a University of Missouri Extension…
COLUMBIA, Mo. – The second annual Mid-Mo Expo for backyard gardeners and small farmers offers presentations and demonstrations to improve productivity and profits.
NEW LONDON, Mo.– Spring is here, but parts of Missouri still aren’t through with winter weather.A University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist notes that snow makes it harder for animals to find available forage, and cold weather increases their nutrient needs.
The 39th annual Southwest Missouri Spring Forage Conference is set for Tuesday, Feb. 21, at the Oasis Hotel and Convention Center, 2546 N. Glenstone Ave., Springfield.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Poison hemlock, a poisonous plant that can cause death in livestock, is especially toxic in spring, says Gatlin Bunton, University of Missouri Extension field specialist in agronomy.It can also cause birth defects in the offspring of pregnant animals.