Business development : publication
Learn how promoting entrepreneurship may promote economic growth and increase a community’s quality of life. Increasing access to outside markets through online sales can increase local business’ customer bases as well.
Examine how federal contracting is important in generating economic activity. This publication displays how most contract dollars go to a small number of large business, but there are still opportunities for a wide array of companies throughout Missouri.
Identify federal and state grants that may fund business development for your farm or agribusiness. Learn nine steps involved in preparing a grant proposal, and pick up proposal writing best practices that will increase your odds of receiving funding.
Follow these guidelines for facilitating an improved business engagement while fostering leadership and problem solving to find meaningful engagement in rural small businesses. Business examples and seven key guidelines are presented here.
Learn why business planning around marketing, assets and profitability is important for launching a successful small acreage enterprise. Be sure to envision your goals as you consider enterprises.