Agricultural business and policy : article
ELDON, Mo. – “Grow Your Farm” sessions for beginning farmers start Saturday, March 10, at the Eldon Career Center. University of Missouri Extension agricultural business specialist Patricia Barrett says the practical seminars and field days give attendees opportunities to learn and network.
KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – “Grow Your Farm” sessions for beginning farmers begin March 14 at the University of Missouri Extension Center in Adair County, Kirksville.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – In May of 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy called American Association of Universities leaders for help to assist Ukrainian universities during the war with Russia.
KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Beef producers can use a window of profitability to make their farm business more bulletproof.
BELLFLOWER, Mo. – You won’t find grass growing under 81-year-old Russel Winter’s feet. While many farmers his age are retired, Winter still likes to lead the way in trying new farming technology and methods.
The combination of the ongoing trade war, large carry-in stocks, fewer hogs in China and the potential shift of corn area to soybeans could result in a large abundance of soybeans, but this is far from certain given the severity of planting delays.
COLUMBIA, Mo. – For two years, shoppers have seen how supply chain problems can shock the food system. Initially triggered by the pandemic, these problems have persisted due to labor shortages, transportation bottlenecks and now international conflict.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) projects that by the end of 2019, China’s total swine inventory will be down by 18%. Indeed, the USDA estimated that the Chinese sow inventory was down 12% at the start of 2019.
ST. ELIZABETH, Mo. – Despite 26 surgeries, 47-year-old Blaine Kemna farms every day.He remains an independent farmer and works with the Missouri AgrAbility Project and its partners.
PALMYRA, Mo. – Annie’s Project, a program offered by University of Missouri Extension for two decades, gave Amy Lehenbauer the confidence she needed to become active in the family farm.
CENTER, Mo. – When Jan Golian’s husband died of a heart attack in the middle of harvest season in 2004, friends and family helped her get the crop in and the cattle sold.
COLUMBIA, Mo. - Asian lady beetles, or ladybugs, may seem like a nuisance as they seek warmth in your home, but they can be helpful as predators on other insects.
Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report
COLUMBIA, Mo. – Farms constantly adapt to become more productive and successful. As you reflect on farm activities through this summer, consider these news and notes from University of Missouri Extension. They can help you keep your farm safe and plan a profitable, sustainable future.
Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report
COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension natural resource engineer Kent Shannon offers tips for collecting farm yield data prior to harvest.
MOBERLY, Mo. – Spending few hours now on spring home maintenance can save you many hours and dollars later, says a University of Missouri Extension housing specialist.Tom Fuhrman says it’s time to take care of any problems caused by winter weather and spring storms to protect your investment.
Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report
FORTUNA, Mo. – The people of the Fortuna and Versailles areas know what a farm tragedy feels like. In the last few years, Mennonite families there lost two children to farm accidents. Another was critically injured.
The outlook for corn prices is more positive because corn is likely to experience a significant downward supply shock. Not only will planted area be reduced, but the yields will also likely be significantly lower.
MU Extension specialists offer guidelines and tips for COVID-19 safety on the farm.
Excerpted from the Environmental Impact of Missouri Crop Production report
En base a la población, Estados Unidos es el segundo país de mayor población hispana del mundo, según el U.S. Census Bureau (censo americano). Si contamos todas las personas bilingües y aquellos que su lengua nativa es el español, Estados Unidos tiene mas gente de habla hispana que España.
POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. – By population, the United States is the second-largest Spanish-speaking country in the world, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Counting both bilingual and native speakers of Spanish, the U.S. has more people who can speak Spanish than Spain itself.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo. – Making urban farms bloom will be one of the many topics at the 2024 Great Plains Growers Conference and trade show, Jan. 11-13 in St. Joseph, Missouri.